Technical Publications

Following you will find our inquiry form for ordering technical publications.
Here are the prices for a yearly subscription:

  • Maintenance Manual: € 400,- plus VAT (if applicable)
  • Pilot's Operating Handbook / AFM: € 350,- plus VAT (if applicable)

After submitting this inquiry-form you will get an invoice from SST Flugtechnik GmbH asking for payment in advance.
The documents will then be send to you via E-Mail as soon the payment is received.

Please do not forget to fill the correct serial number of the aircraft!

Extra 400

Inquiry Form EA 400

Select Topic

After submitting this inquiry-form you will receive a detailed offer from SST Flugtechnik GmbH

Extra 500

Inquiry Form EA 400-500

Select Topic

After submitting this inquiry-form you will receive a detailed offer from SST Flugtechnik GmbH